Sunday, December 9, 2012

Top 7 Tips to Survive

  • Play through the whole game in Softcore first character
    • Gives you a good feel for the game and help you avoid surprises in HC
    • Things such as Maniacs and boss mob skills can be the end if you don't deal with them properly
  • Pay attention to boss mob skills
    • It is important to notice which skills these mobs have to determine the best way to fight them. 
  • Be patient
    • Take your time when going through each section of each act
    • Treat each fight as if it could be your last
    • Being patient, try different things to force yourself to take it slow
      • Smash things
        • There are usually achievements available for breaking things and sometimes even for breaking specific things
      • Do side dungeons
        • Going through the dusty cellars in Act 2, random crypts and caves in Act 1 are all good ways of slowing down the game without making it boring
        • These places can be random an some even have quests that need to be done for achievements and make it seem liek less of a grind
  • No Hardcore with strangers
    • Don't play with someone who is unpredictable and whose play-style is unfamiliar
  • Avoid playing with more then 2 people
    • As more people play, not only does the game get harder
      • There is more room for mistakes to be made
      • An accidental leap, an improper teleport by one member can cause havoc
  • Play with an NPC at all times in solo mode 
    • I  prefer the Templar for his healing and stun abilities)
    • The real benefit from these guys is their most annoying attribute, their voice.
      • These guys will let you know when boss mobs are approaching
      • They will make you aware that a boss is approaching before they're even on screen
    • Their abilities can keep 1 or 2 mobs off you in a fight
    • They don't reduce the amount of XP you get or increase the difficultly of monsters
  • Farm easily accessible main bosses for quest XP
    • There are a few bosses that you can get to quite easily using the replayable quest feature
      • Mag or Kulle in Act 2 takes about 5-10 minutes a run and will give you 6,000-10,000 XP